How Can I Cancel My USDOT/MC Number and Can It Be Reinstated Again In The Future?

1 min. readlast update: 10.17.2023

You can cancel your USDOT/MC number by completing the appropriate MCS-150 form. Motor carriers, HazMat carriers, and intermodal equipment providers will have separate forms. Upon completing the form, you will need to submit it for processing, which you can do online. You are also able to fax the form or mail it per their mailing instructions. Once you receive confirmation, you can check the company’s SAFER page to confirm an inactive status.  

To reinstate your USDOT number, you would fill out another MCS-150 for reinstatement and submit it for reinstatement. If you wish to reinstate your MC Number there is a charge associated with the reinstatement. Please note, once your USDOT number is reinstated you may need to file for BOC-3 (if applicable), UCR (if applicable) as well as have insurance on file.  

Cancel My USDOT Number

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